
This page offers instructions for first time installs and subsequent updates. Half the fun of this platform is that it is always evolving with new modules and capabilities. Once you have the Arduino tools installed, you can check for DreamakerFX updates which bring with them new capabilities and enhancements!

First time installation

The DreamMaker FX hardware currently supports Windows 10, OS X, and probably Linux. If you’re running Windows 7, there are a few additional steps that are required to get the UF2 USB device drivers installed.

First order of business, let’s go download some free software and get rolling.

  • Download and install the Arduino IDE:

    • Accept the defaults

    • You may be prompted to install several additional drivers; install them.

    • If you’re running OS X Catalina, make sure you’re using Arduino v1.8.10 or later.

    • Click Finish when the installs are complete.

  • Plug the Dream Lemur into an outlet, and connect to a USB port on your computer with a MicroUSB cable. Make sure the USB cable you are using is not a charging cable. There are lots of microUSB charging cables out there that just have wires for power and ground and no data! If you don’t see the DM_FX drive/volume show up on your computer, you may need to put your pedal into bootloader mode. See the Troubleshooting section for details on how to do this.

  • Install the DreamMaker FX Arduino board package In the Arduino IDE:

    • Navigate to either File -> Preferences on Windows, or Arduino -> Preferences on Mac. If you’re using Linux, we assume you’re enough of a bad ass to figure out what to do.

    • In the preferences window, find the text field toward the bottom called Additional Boards Manager URLs.

    • Copy and paste the following into that text field:

    • Click OK to close the preferences window.

    • Navigate to Tools -> Board -> Board Manager.

    • Either type dream in the search box, or scroll down until you find DreamMaker FX by Run Jump Labs.

    • Click Install. This will take a few minutes; then hit Close. FX package

  • Select the DreamMaker FX hardeare

    • Navigate to Tools -> Board. At the very bottom of the list you should see DreamMaker FX (SAMD51/ARM Cortex M4. Select it. FX package

  • Make some bitchin’ effects and play some rock and/or roll very loudly.

The setup process is very similar to Adafruit boards which use the same Arduino processor (Atmel SAMD51 family). This page may offer some additional help

Updating the DreamMaker FX Arduino package

There are always updates happening with new effects, bug fixes and improvements! When you do a first time install, you’ll have the latest and greatest. However, it’s always good to check back to see if there are updates.

  • In the Arduino program:

    • Navigate to Tools -> Board -> Board Manager.

    • Either type dream in the search box, or scroll down until you find DreamMaker FX by Run Jump Labs.

    • Select the latest version from the pull-down menu; then hit Update

A cool feature is that the firmware running on the DSP is automatically updated the first time you download a sketch after an update to the latest version. When you download the effect, you’ll see some messages in the serial monitor that the update is happening (just takes a few seconds). The firmware update only happens when the system detects that the firmware on the DSP is a different version than what is running in the Arduino code.